First off, can you people get the American economy back on track please! It hurts living in an expensive foreign country with a bank account full (ok not FULL) of U.S. dollars. Maybe William needs to encourage the country to spend money again and go out and buy luxury items. It seemed to work before.
For those of you who check our blog you may have been wondering where in hell are we lately. It's been quite a while since our last post. SORRY! Lora's assistant, Anna, went home a couple of weeks ago so I've been out in the field with Lora a bit and working on papers for Uni. We've been stuck out in the boonies and have had no Internet or cell service. Also, since all I pretty much have been doing lately is typing and staring at a computer the last thing I really want to do is type some more. Why oh why do I love procrastinating so much?
Lora's about done with her Tassie sites and will be home in a few days. On Thursday Jim and Pat will be heading over here for a visit as will Karen and Kevin. I plan on playing some golf with Jim. Isn't that what you're supposed to do with the in-laws? Golf seems to be one of those sports which I enjoy every time I go out but then forget about it the next day. This means I never improve due to lack of playing time. Right now I suck so it should be fun.
When Kevin and Karen visit we plan on doing some fun stuff. Maybe an overnight sea-kayaking trip or a quick hike into a cabin in the mountains. You know fun stuff. By the way, Karen got your message today and no you don't need to bring a sleeping bag. We can get all that stuff here for you.
Well now every one knows that we are still alive and well. Summer is almost here and the weather is starting to get good. That means more fishing and longer evenings. Of course Lora has plans for me again this summer. Can you say field bitch? That's what I'm going to be. Oh well, it could be worse.