Friday, June 22, 2007

Middle Kings Free in a Day

Ok I know most of you will not be able to attach any meaning to this but I'm stoked! Just found out about two friends that did something I've been dreaming about the past year or so and was seriously thinking about trying this year if I came back home for Chris and Amy's wedding. Most people didn't think it was possible but I felt it. These guys did too. I'm stoked for them. The story off one blog,, is below.

By Grayson Schaffer
John Grace and Tommy Hilleke became the first people to run California's Middle Kings River in one day. Their time to hike 11 miles over the 12,000-foot pass and then run 30 miles and 6,400 vertical feet of Class V water: 19 hours 53 minutes. We're impressed. Given that the Kings is in the same part of the world as Yosemite, one can't help but draw the comparison between this descent and freeing El Cap in a day.

It really is like climbing El Cap free in a day. I've paddled this section before as I'm sure Mom and my sis, Kimberly will remember due to the fact that I wasn't able to pick them up from the airport because of an extended trip on this section of river. For those that don't know this section of river is considered by most to be the most difficult and sustained bit of river in California. It takes most of the few parties that have done it about 5 days including the full day of hiking. I can't wait until I get back home to Cali next year. It's on! Anyone keen?


Daniel Glauser said...

What? You think I'd let you have all the fun Tim?

Count me in.


Timmaay said...

I knew you'd be up for it! Now all we need is Harjes and we're set.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.